Mideast Conflicts and ISIS Threats

Middle East experts talked about the history of Middle East conflict. Among the topics they discussed were the ISIL* threat to the U.S., U.S… read more

Middle East experts talked about the history of Middle East conflict. Among the topics they discussed were the ISIL* threat to the U.S., U.S. policy in the Middle East, and Westerners' reasons for joining ISIL.

“Odd Bedfellows: Shifting Alignments in the Middle East” was a panel of the “Set Politics Aside” event at the RAND Corporation.

* The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), also known as the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), is a militant group that has called itself the Islamic State. close

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People in this video

  • Brian Michael Jenkins Senior Adviser RAND Corporation->Office of the President
  • Seth G. Jones Director RAND Corporation->International Security and Defense Policy Center
  • Dalia Dassa Kaye Director RAND Corporation->Center for Middle East Public Policy
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Mideast Conflicts and ISIS Threats

Program ID:
Public Affairs Event
Santa Monica, California, United States
First Aired:
Nov 24, 2014 | 4:51am EST | C-SPAN 1
Last Aired:
Dec 15, 2014 | 12:29pm EST | C-SPAN 3

Airing Details

  • Nov 24, 2014 | 4:51am EST | C-SPAN 1
  • Nov 26, 2014 | 6:15pm EST | C-SPAN 2
  • Nov 26, 2014 | 10:43pm EST | C-SPAN 2
  • Dec 02, 2014 | 8:58am EST | C-SPAN 2
  • Dec 15, 2014 | 12:29pm EST | C-SPAN 3
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Mideast Conflicts and ISIS Threats

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